now closed.
The exhibition was open to Non-members and Members of the SWA.
We were incredibly saddened not to have shown at the Mall Galleries this year due to the Covid 19 situation but thank the Mall staff for all their support and look forward to showing there with a stronger show than ever.
There were many awards and prizes at the 2020 Exhibition.
Princess Michael of Kent Award - A signed certificate
The SWA Fine Art Award (Sculpture) - £500
President and Vice Presidents’ Award - A signed certificate
The SWA Special Fine Art Award - £1000
Karin Walker Young Artist Award - 2 x £500
Derwent Special Fine Art Award
Young Artist £500 (art materials) Awards
Established Artist £500 (art materials) Awards
The Great Art Award 2 x £250 (art materials) Awards
The Artist Editor’s Choice Award, Feature in The Artist
The Rosemary and Co Award £100 (brushes)
Patsy Whiting Award £100
Jackson’s People’s Choice Award £150 (art materials)
The SWA would like to thank our kind sponsors for there
generosity and support. Awards winners can be found here.
Whilst we are a charity ourselves we would like to donate a small percentage of any sales made during our exhibition to a cause close to our hearts.

Information below for Non members to enter the Exhibition. Members information below and by email directly.
Information and Terms and conditions can be found at the bottom of the page
Online Submission and Selection
Digital submission are open from the July 6th 2020 and will close at midnight on the 1st of September at https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk.
To find out if you have been successful you will need to log back on to https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk on the 8th of September.
Benefits of the SWA online show and submission
Whilst this is not ideal and we are very upset that we will not be able to show at the Mall Galleries this year, submitting digitally enables artists to submit works at a reduced cost for consideration without the travelling, transport and the framing costs.
Submission Fees for non-members is £5 per work payable at the time of registering online.
Entries will be selected by a panel of judges for inclusion to the online exhibition.
You will be able to log back in to the OESS site on the 8th to see if you have been successful. Alternatively a list of successfully selected works will also be displayed on the SWA website on the 9th September (this date may change)
Exhibition Dates
Online Submissions: 6th July – 1st September 2020
Notification of Selection (ONLINE ONLY): 8th September 2020
Preview TBC
Exhibition Open: Tuesday 22nd September - Wednesday 30th December 2020
Categories of work
Categories of work which are acceptable: painting, pastels, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, in all media; engraving, lithography, and ceramics, glass and metal not of a utilitarian nature.
We are delighted to announce we will have Awards and prizes this year and will announce them shortly as well as details from our wonderful sponsors.
Young Artist
Please ensure you add your DOB to signify that they are eligible for the Young Artists categories, there are specific Awards for this group.
For 2020, members must submit artwork digitally.
Online Submission and Selection Procedure
Digital submissions are open from the July 6th 2020 and will close at midnight on the 1st of September at https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk.
To find out if you have been successful you will need to log back on to https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk on the 8th of September.
Benefits of the SWA online show and submission
Whilst this is not ideal and we are very upset that we will not be able to show at the Mall Galleries this year, submitting digitally enables artists to submit works at a reduced cost for consideration without the travelling, transport and the framing costs.
Members are requested to contribute £2 per work payable at the time of registering online towards the cost of the digital submissions facility. Entries will be selected by a panel of judges for inclusion to the online exhibition.
You will be able to log back in to the OESS site on the 8th to see if you have been successful. Alternatively a list of successfully selected works will also be displayed on the SWA website on the 9th September (this date may change)
Exhibition Dates
Online Submissions: 6th July – 1st September 2020
Notification of Selection (ONLINE ONLY): 8th September 2020
Preview TBC
Exhibition Open: Tuesday 22nd September - Wednesday 30th December 2020
Categories of work
Categories of work which are acceptable: painting, pastels, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, in all media; engraving, lithography, and ceramics, glass and metal not of a utilitarian nature.
We are delighted to announce we will have Awards and prizes this year and will announce them shortly as well as details from our wonderful sponsors.
Young Artist
Please ensure you add your DOB to signify that they are eligible for the Young Artists categories, there are specific Awards for this group.
These conditions apply to all exhibitions administered by the Exhibition Administrators. The term ‘Exhibition Administrators’ means The Society of Women Artists Ltd.
1. Submission Procedure Submissions for selection to the 2020 online exhibition will be open from the 6th of July to the 1st September. You will only be able to apply digitally via the following https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk . To find out if you have been successful you will need to log back in to https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk the on or after 8th of September.
Image files should be JPG or PNG and no more than 5MB large. Upload time will depend on your internet connection speed so please be patient. If you are having problems uploading your images, please use image editing software to resize your image to approximately 1600 pixels wide and then save as a new file. Image file names should not be too long and should not contain any invalid characters such as ' " & % * ( ) < > / \ ~ # + =
The Royal Academy have produced an excellent guide to aid you with photography. This is a link to the video https://summer.royalacademy.org.uk/Information/9 This is a PDF of the RA Guide How to Photograph your work
2. Submission Fees for non-members is £5 per work, irrespective of size or medium, to be paid at the time of submission.
3. Number of works & Membership 6 works may be submitted but maximum of four works can be displayed. We will not be selecting new Associate members (ASWA) or full members this years. A note to Non-Members - Although we won't be able to select new Associate or full members this year, you are still welcome to submit 6 works a) to offer a wider selection of your work b) increase your chances of consideration for membership at next year's selection process.
4. Size There will be no maximum submission size for paintings and Sculpture this year. All works will be judged by merit.
5. NOTIFICATION OF FINAL RESULTS - Entries will be selected by a panel of judges for inclusion to the online exhibition. you will need to log back on to https://societyofwomenartists.oess1.uk On the 8th of September 2020 to find out if your work has been accepted.
6. Sale Price & Commission The price of works supplied by the artist should include the commission of 45% for non members and 40% for members the SWA will be donating 5% of the sale price to the Charity Breast Cancer Now. All work must be for sale, except by prior consent from the SWA. Minimum Sale prices for works: £200, and £100 for framed etchings or lithography or drawings, £200 for 3D works. The aforementioned is applicable on commissioned work arranged through the Exhibition Administrators. Any sale effected by the Exhibition Administrators will have priority over a sale effected by the artist. Please note that artists liable to VAT are responsible for paying their own tax.
7. Etchings and original printmaking Original unique printing is acceptable, Etchings must show their plate indentations. Commercially printed line work or photographically/digitally reproduced work printed with commercial machines (such as giclée work) is not admissible.
8. Commercial carriers should be used to deliver works to to buyers where necessary, please see the list of trusted experienced carriers below.
9. Press Photographs Unless otherwise stated in writing by the artist, works exhibited may be used for Press purposes in connection with the Exhibition.
10. Copyright of all works, other than commissioned work, remains the property of the artist. Any enquiries for copyright will be referred to the artist.
11. Care of Works The Exhibition Administrators will not be liable for any damage or loss of works when posting or delivering sold work. The Society of Women Artists strongly advises artists to insure their own works.
12. Notification of sale of work If work in the Exhibition has been sold, exhibitors will be notified by email the following day wherever possible.
13. Invitations and flyers Digital invitations or flyers and a press release will be emailed to all selected artists to forward to buyers, collectors, press and any other contacts they would like to see the exhibition.
(The Society of Women Artists will not be responsible for damage to or non-delivery of works) Information on VAT and UK entry procedures may be obtained from HM Customs and Excise General Information Branch, New King’s Beam House, 22 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PJ. The companies below are ones used by the Mall Galleries and have an excellent reputation.
Tom Challoner, Pengarth, Dame Lane, Misson,
Doncaster DN10 6EB.
Tel: 01302 711011
Mobile: 07833 450 788
Contact Picture Post Art for any quotations, reservations, studio collections, appointments or any other information about their collection service.
Dave Allen,
South Hams Express Transport & Consultancy
72 Upper Manor Rd, Paignton TQ3 2TJ
Mob 0750 204 1139 Tel 01803 551368
Email dave.allen500@btinternet.com
Art Moves of Chelsea
Please contact for details. Tel/fax: 020 7352 7492,